There is a page about Ahmed Al Safi in (501 Great Artists: A Comprehensive Guide to the Giants of the Art World) by Stephen Farthing
Table of Contents
Abramovich, Marina 558(59)
Abts, Tomma 617
Acconci, Vito 538(40)
Aguerre, Gustavo 578(46)
Akakce, Haluk 624(2)
Al Safi, Ahmed 626
Alacain, Alfredo 516
Albers, Josef 355
Alma-Tadema, Lawrence 232
Altdorfer, Albrecht 73 (129)
Amerling, Friedrich von 202(310)
Andre, Carl Anguissola 512
Sofonisba 101(410)
Anselmo, Giovanni 511
Appel, Karel 452(88)
Araki, Nobuyoshi 540
Archipenko, Alexander 346
Arcimboldo, Giuseppe 97 (386)
Arman 483
Arp, Jean 348(146)
Auerbach, Frank 494
Bacon, Francis 424
Balla, Giacomo 298(123)
Balthus 421(169)
Barcelo, Miquel 590
Barlach, Ernst 297(133)
Barnet, will 430(188)
Barney, Matthew 618
Barrias, Louis-Ernest 245(283)
Baselitz, Georg 528
Bassa, Ferrer 22 (409)
Bearden, Romare 431
Beckmann, max 336
Bellini, Giovanni 46 (281)
Bellows, George Wesley 327(31)
Benton, Thomas hart 358
Bernerd, Emile 288
Bernini, Gian, Lorenzo 122(331)
Beuys, Joseph 453
Bewick, Thomas 171(388)
Bijl, Guillaume 559
Binney, Don 541
Blake, Peter 498
Blake, Willaim 177(149)
Boccioni, Umberto 326
Bosch, Hieronymus 62 (437)
Botero, Fernando 499
Botticelli, Sandro 52 (222)
Bourdelle, Antoine 274(158)
Bourgeois, Louise 432
Brancusi, Constantin 307(21)
Braque, Georges 328
Bronzino, Agnolo
Broodthaers, marcel 466
Brown, ford Madox 210
Bruegel, kPieter, the Elder 94 (290)
Buckland Writght, John 384(178)
Burden, Chris 562
Buren, Daniel 529(76)
Bustamante, Nao 605
Cage, John 438(152)
Cai Guo-Qiang 590
Calder, Alexander 388(135)
Campus, Peter 523
Canaletto 150(26)
Canova, Antonio 176
Caravaggio 110(355)
Caro, Anthony 465
Carpeaux, Jean Baptiste 214
Carracci, Annibale 106(338)
Carrington, Leonora 444
Cartier Bresson henri 422
Casas, Ramon 286
Casatt, mary 250(142)
Casson, A.J. 392
Castiglione Giovanni 136(462)
Cattelan, maurizio 598
Caulfield, Patrick 521
Cellini, Benvenuto 88 (148)
Cezanne, paul 236(116)
Chaqall, Marc 352(262)
Chapman, jame and Dinos 614
Chapu, Henri-Michel-Antoine 225
Charpentier, Constance Marie 180(354)
Chicago, Judy 534(10)
Chihuly, Dale 544
Chillida, Eduardo 464(50)
Christo and Jeanne-Claude 514
Church, Frederic Edwin 213
Cimabue 12 (555)
Clairmont, Philip 567
Claude Lorrain 130(153)
Claudel, Camille 283(259)
Close, Chuck 542(63)
Closky, Claude 605
Cole, Thomas 200(89)
Conder, Charles 289
Constable, John 186
Copley, John Singleton 160(108)
Corinth, Lovis 268
Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille 197
Correggio, Antonio da 84 (106)
Cotman, John Sell 190(18)
Courbet, Gustave 208(360)
Cragg, Tony 568
Craig-martin Michael 545
Cranach, Lucas, the Elder 66 (130)
Cruikshank, George 196(374)
Cucchi, Enzo 570
Curier and Ives 204(398)
Currin, John 602
D' Angers David 192
Da Pontormo, Jacopo da Vinci, Leonardo 58 (133)
Daguerre, Louis 191(217)
Dali, Slavador 408
Dalou, Aime-Jules 234
Daumier, Honore 203
David, jacques Louis 168(188)
De Chirico, Giorgio 356
De Hooch, Pieter 142
De Juanes, Juan 90 (320)
Willem 410
De La Tour, Georges 116(273)
De Lempicka, Tamara 389(34)
De Oteiza, Jorge 423
De Ribera, Jose 115(455)
Deacon, Richard 570
Degas, Edgar 228
Del Piombo Sebastiano 76
Del Sarto, Andrea del Verrocchio Andrea 50 (149)
Delacroix, Eugene 199(141)
Delaunay, Robert 340
Della Francesca, Piero 40 (573)
Deller, Jeremy 613
Derain, Andre 318
De Cosimo, Piero 63 (515)
diCoria, Philip Lorca 578
Diebenkorn Richard 458
Dix, Otto 370(226)
Doig, Peter 596
Donatello 27 (78)
Dong Qichang 105
Dong Yuan 8 (212)
Dore, Gustave 220(272)
Drawbridge, John 492
Dreier, Katherine 309(89)
Dubuffert, Jean Duccio De 398
Buoninsegna 14 (335)
Duchamp, Marcel 349
Durer, Albrecht 64 (187)
Eakins, Thomas 251
EL Greco 102(504)
Emin, Tracey 606(1)
Entekhabi, Shahram 607
Ernst, Max 372
Fan Kuan 10 (220)
Fantin-latour, henri 230(70)
Feininger, Lyonel 300(123)
Fini, Leonor 423(142)
Fischl, Eric 565
Flaxman, John 171(222)
Fontana, Lucio 393
Fortuny y Carbo, Mariano 233
Fra Angelico 32 (127)
Fragonard, Jean Honore 159(314)
Frankenthaler Helen 473
French, Daniel Chester 256(200)
Freud, Lucian 456
Friedrich, Caspar David 182(415)
Fusco, Coco 597
Fuseli, Henry 163(203)
Gabo, Naum 366
Gaisnhorough Thomas 158(358)
Agaria, Antonio Lopez 516
Gauguin, Paul 254
Gentileschi Artemisia 117(77)
Gericault, Theodore 194(17)
Gerome, Jean Leon 211
Ghiberti, Lorenzo 24 (31)
Ghirlandaio Domenico 55 (342)
Giacometti, Alberto 397
Giambologna 100(453)
Gilbert and Geroge 553
Gillray, James 173
Giorgione 71
Tiotto de Bondone 16 (573)
Goldsworthy, Andy 589
Gonzalez, Julio 306(285)
Gonzalez-Torres Felix 591(25)
Gordon, Doughlas 616
Gorky, Arshile 403(169)
Gormley, Antony 572
Goya, Francisco 164(373)
Graves, Nancy 537
Greenough Borthers 202(143)
Gris, Juan 345(31)
Grosz, Geroge 376
Grunewald, mathis 72 (43)
Guercino 115(325)
Custon, Philip 440
Hals, Frans 114(346)
Hamilton, Richard 460
Hammersho Øi, Vihlem 282(345)
Hancock, Trenton Doyle 627
Haring, Keith 592
Hartley, Mkarsden 308(26)
Heckel, Erich 334(72)
Helion, Jean 406(44)
Heron, Patrick 450
Hepworth, Barbara 402(120)
Hese, Eva 522
Hilliard, nicholas 104(94)
Hiroshige, Ando Tokitaro 198(412)
Hirst, Damien 610
Hoch, hannah 358(166)
Hockney, David 524
Hodgkin, Howard 500
Hodgkins, Frances 296
Hodler, Ferdinand 260(59)
Hofmann, Hans 319
Hogarth, william 148(30)
Hokusai, Katsushika 178
Holbein, hans, the Younger 86 (487)
Holzer, Jenny 573
Homer, Winslow 231(99)
Hopper, Edward 330(165)
Hotere, Ralph 495
Huguet, Jaume 42 (173)
Hunt, William, Holman 215(386)
Huyghe, Pierre 601
Ingres, Jean-Auguste Dominique 188(95)
Jawlensky, Alexej von 283(21)
John, Gwen 304(184)
Johns, Jasper 488
Judd, Donald 482(24)
Kabakov, Ilya 506
Kahlo, Frida 416
Kandinsky, Wassily 284
Kang Hui-an 43 (537)
Kapoor, Anish 580
Kaprow, Allan 472
Katz, Alex 471
Kauffmann, Angelica 162(345)
Kawara, On 507(75)
Kelley, Mike 582
Kiefer Anselm 554(25)
Kippendberger 579
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig 317
Klee, Paul 312(168)
Klein, Yves 480
Klimt, Gustav 276(150)
Kline, Franz 426
Klinger, max 267(319)
Koons, Jeff 586
Kounellis, Jannis 517
Krasner, lee 418(137)
Kruger, Barbara 555
Kusama, yayoi 486
Lam, Wilfredo 399
Landseer, Edwin 201(60)
Larsson, Carl 261(330)
Lee, Lennie 591
Leger, fernand 320
Lely, peter 138(194)
Lewis, Wyndham 332(152)
Lewitt, Sol 484
Levster, Judith 136(325)
Lichtenstein, Roy 461
Liebermann, max 252
Limbourg Brothers 26 (288)
Lindsay, Norman 314(57)
Lipxhitz, Jacques 371
Lippi, Fra Filippo 39 (323)
Lissitzky, El 362(194)
Long, Richard 556
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio 21
Lornzetti, Pietro 19 (418)
Louis, morris 437(164)
Lucas, Sarah 601
Lye, len 398
Ma yuan 11 (37)
McCahon, Colin 48 (214)
Mc?Cubbin 262(82)
Macke, August 344
Macmonnies, Frederick 278(107)
Magritte, Rene 385
Maillol, Aristide 275
Maler, hans 76 (234)
\Malevich, Kasimir 310(54)
Man Ray 364
Manet, Edouard 222
Mantegna, Andrea 47 (513)
Mapplethorpe, Robert 560
Marc, Franz 316(214)
Marden Brice 530
Martini, Simone 20 (17)
Martorell, Bernardo 37 (1)
Masaccio 38 (345)
Masson, Andre 383
Matejko, Jan 233(60)
Matisse, Henri 293(140)
Mata, Roberto 433
Mellan, Claude 124
Memling, hans 44 (162)
Menzel, Adolph 206(188)
Michaux Henri 394
Michelangelo Buonarroti 68 (150)
Millais, John Everett 218
Millet, Jean-Francois 205(173)
Minton, John 378(90)
Mitchell, Joen 468
Modersohn-Becker, Paula 303(32)
Modigliani, Amedeo 335(264)
Moffatt, Tracey 599
Moholy-nagy, laszlo 380
Mondrian, Piet 300
Monet, Claude 242(148)
Moore, henry 390
Morandi, Giofgio 363
Moreau, Gustave 212(33)
MOrisot, Berthe 245(286)
Moriyama, Daido 531
Moroni, Giovanni Battista 96 (42)
Moronobu Hishikawa 138(304)
Motherwell, Robert 442
Munch, Edvard 279(321)
Muniz, vik 600
Munter, Gabriele 309(295)
Murakami, Takashi 604
Nadelman, Elie 332(27)
Nash, Paul 359(187)
Nauman, Bruce 546
Nevelson, Lousie 392(20)
Newman, Barnett 412
Noguchi, Isamu 407(40)
Noalan, Sidney 447
Nolde, Emil 287(335)
Ofili, Chris 622
Oiticica, helio 527
O Keeffe, Gorgia 354(133)
Oldenburg, Claes 487(127)
Ondak, Roman 614
Oppenhein, Meret 441
Orozco, Jose Clemente 333(283)
Ortega, Damian 616
Osorio, Pepon 588
Oterbridge, paul 381(123)
Pail, nam June 504(85)
Parker, Cornelia 589
Parmigianino 89 (474)
Penone, Giuseppe 563(36)
Perry, Grayson 599
Perugino, Pietro 56 (282)
Phillips, Waltr Joseph 338
Picabia, Francis 315(7)
Picasso, Pablo 322
Piranesi, Giovanni battista 153
Pisanol Andrea 18 (201)
Pissarro, Camille 219(329)
Polke, Sigmar 548
Pollock, Jackson 434
Poussin, Nicolas 118(448)
Prince, Richard 566
Raeburn Henry 174
Ramsay, Allan 152
Raphael 74 (523)
Rauch, Neo 597
Rauschenberg Robert 467
Redon, Odilon 239(276)
Rego, paula 515
Reinhardt, Ad 439
Rembradt van Rijn 133(113)
Renoir, Pierre Auguste 246
Reynolds, Joshua 154
Ribalta, Francisco 108(394)
Richter, Gerhard 502
Riley, Bridget 496
Rivera Diego 342(120)
Rivers, larry 462
Roberts, Tom 266(113)
Rockwell, Norman 379
Rodchenko Alexander 367
Rodin Aauguste 240
Rosa, Salvator 137(371)
Rosenquist, James 508
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 216(53)
Rosso, medardo 269(131)
Rothko, Mark 400
Roubiliac, Louis Francois 152(96)
Rousseau, henri 248
Rowlandson Thomas 175
Rubens, Peter Paul 112
Rublev, Andrei 23 (503)
Ruscha, Ed 526
Ryder, Albert Pinkham 253
Saenredam, Pieter jansz 120(132)
Siant-Taudens augustus 252(266)
Samarqs, Lucas 518
Sargent, John 264(229)
Saura, Antonio 493(131)
Saville, Jenny 624
Schadwo, Johann Gottfried 180(180)
Schiele, Egon 360
Schmidt, Rottluff karl 339(235)
Schnabel, julian 574
Schneemann Carolee 535
Schongauer, martin 54 (503)
Scully, Sean 557
Serra, richard 536
Sesshu 43 (227)
Seurat, Georges Poerre 270(358)
Shahbazi, Shirana 628
Sherman, Cindy 583
Short, Frank 267(6)
Sickert, Walter 273
Signorelli, Luca 51 (331)
Siqueiros, David Alfaro 382(20)
Siskind, Aaron 402
Sisley, Alfred 234(180)
Smith, David 414(170)
Smith, Kiki 584
Smithson, Robert 532
Sorolla, Joaquin 278
Sotatsu, Tawasraya 132(243)
Soutine, Chaim 375
Spencer, Stanley 368
Stanley, Dorothy Tennant 262(361)
Starr, Georgina 623
Steichen, Edward 314(205)
Stella, Frank 519
Streeton, Arthur 286
Stuart, Gilbert 173
Stubbs, George 156(410)
Sugimoto, Hiroshige 566(9)
Sultan, Donald 575
Tamayo, Runfino 395(1)
Tamayo, runfino 395(1)
Tanguy, Yves 396(32)
Tanning, Dorothea 428(36)
Tapies, Antoni 464(156)
Taylor-Wood, Sam 620
Terborch, Gerard 137(312)
Thiebaud, Wayne 449
Thorvaldsen Bertel 181
Tiepolo, Giovanni battista 147
Tintoretto 82
Titian 79 (431)
Tjapaltijari, Clifford Possum 510
Torres Garcia Joasquin 302
Toulouse-Lautrec, henri de 280
Turner, J.M.W. 183(368)
Turrell, James 551
Tuttle, Richard 550
Twombly, Cy 474
Uccello, Paulo 34 (476)
Uelsmann, Jerry 510
Uglow, Euan 501
Utamaro 170
Van der Weyden, Rogier 6 (120)
Van Dyck, Anthoy 126
Van Eyck, Jan 30 (227)
Van Gogh, vincent 257
Van Hoogstraten Samuel 140
Vam Leyden, Lucas 82 (59)
Van Rusisdael, Jacob 141(278)
Vasarely, Victor 419(1)
Vasari, Victor 419
Casari, Giorgio 91 (1)
Velazquez, Diego 91 (36)
Velazquez, Diego 127(16)
Vermeer, Jan 143
Veronese, Paolo 98 (193)
Vigeland, Gustav 291
Vignee-Le Brun Elisabeth 172(404)
Viola, Bill 576(51)
Violette, Banks 627
Von Guerard, Eugene 204(86)
Vuillard, Edouard 290(304)
Wallinger, Mark 594
Walters, Gotrdon 448(28)
Warhol, Andy 476
Watteau, Jean-Antoine 146(462)
Wearing, gillian 608
Webb, Boyd 564
Weight, Carel 420
West, Benjamin 161(65)
Whistler, James mcNeill 226(311)
Whiteley, Brett 537(72)
Whitereas, Rachel 609
Wilkie, David 191(279)
Williams, Fred 470(115)
Wilson, Fred 585
Withers, Walter 261(262)
Witkin, Isaac 523(29)
Wodiczko, Krzysztof 552
Wols 438
Wood, Grant 374(69)
Wyeth, Andrew 443
Zorn, Anders 272
Zurbaran, Francisco de 121
A concise yet comprehensive reference guide for art lovers and art students, this illustrated volume profiles major artists from classical antiquity to the modern era. All 501 artists featured in this book receive at least a one-page entry that summarizes their life, their work, and their influence. The most influential artists are discussed in entries of up to four pages. Entries are illustrated with portraits of the artists and reproductions of some of their best-known works. Included here are painters, sculptors, photographers, and performance and video artists. Among them are Renaissance artists Raphael and Michelangelo, northern European artists such as Peter Paul Rubens and Rembrandt van Rijn, English landscape painters Turner and Constable, French impressionists such as Degas and Renoir, Japanese artists Sesshu and Hishikawa Moronobu, American abstract expressionists Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning, twentieth-century European giants such as Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, and modern sculptors Isamu Noguchi, Alexander Calder, Richard Serra, and many others. Important women in the arts are also included, among them, sculptor Louise Nevelson, painters Georgia O'Keeffe and Helen Frankenthaler, American impressionist in France Mary Cassatt, and many others. This informative and entertaining compendium of biographical sketches is supplemented with more than 670 illustrations, most of them in color.
Book Details
Series: 501 Great
Hardcover: 640 pages
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series (October 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0764161334
ISBN-13: 978-0764161339
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 6.7 x 1.7 inches
Abramovich, Marina 558(59)
Abts, Tomma 617
Acconci, Vito 538(40)
Aguerre, Gustavo 578(46)
Akakce, Haluk 624(2)
Al Safi, Ahmed 626
Alacain, Alfredo 516
Albers, Josef 355
Alma-Tadema, Lawrence 232
Altdorfer, Albrecht 73 (129)
Amerling, Friedrich von 202(310)
Andre, Carl Anguissola 512
Sofonisba 101(410)
Anselmo, Giovanni 511
Appel, Karel 452(88)
Araki, Nobuyoshi 540
Archipenko, Alexander 346
Arcimboldo, Giuseppe 97 (386)
Arman 483
Arp, Jean 348(146)
Auerbach, Frank 494
Bacon, Francis 424
Balla, Giacomo 298(123)
Balthus 421(169)
Barcelo, Miquel 590
Barlach, Ernst 297(133)
Barnet, will 430(188)
Barney, Matthew 618
Barrias, Louis-Ernest 245(283)
Baselitz, Georg 528
Bassa, Ferrer 22 (409)
Bearden, Romare 431
Beckmann, max 336
Bellini, Giovanni 46 (281)
Bellows, George Wesley 327(31)
Benton, Thomas hart 358
Bernerd, Emile 288
Bernini, Gian, Lorenzo 122(331)
Beuys, Joseph 453
Bewick, Thomas 171(388)
Bijl, Guillaume 559
Binney, Don 541
Blake, Peter 498
Blake, Willaim 177(149)
Boccioni, Umberto 326
Bosch, Hieronymus 62 (437)
Botero, Fernando 499
Botticelli, Sandro 52 (222)
Bourdelle, Antoine 274(158)
Bourgeois, Louise 432
Brancusi, Constantin 307(21)
Braque, Georges 328
Bronzino, Agnolo
Broodthaers, marcel 466
Brown, ford Madox 210
Bruegel, kPieter, the Elder 94 (290)
Buckland Writght, John 384(178)
Burden, Chris 562
Buren, Daniel 529(76)
Bustamante, Nao 605
Cage, John 438(152)
Cai Guo-Qiang 590
Calder, Alexander 388(135)
Campus, Peter 523
Canaletto 150(26)
Canova, Antonio 176
Caravaggio 110(355)
Caro, Anthony 465
Carpeaux, Jean Baptiste 214
Carracci, Annibale 106(338)
Carrington, Leonora 444
Cartier Bresson henri 422
Casas, Ramon 286
Casatt, mary 250(142)
Casson, A.J. 392
Castiglione Giovanni 136(462)
Cattelan, maurizio 598
Caulfield, Patrick 521
Cellini, Benvenuto 88 (148)
Cezanne, paul 236(116)
Chaqall, Marc 352(262)
Chapman, jame and Dinos 614
Chapu, Henri-Michel-Antoine 225
Charpentier, Constance Marie 180(354)
Chicago, Judy 534(10)
Chihuly, Dale 544
Chillida, Eduardo 464(50)
Christo and Jeanne-Claude 514
Church, Frederic Edwin 213
Cimabue 12 (555)
Clairmont, Philip 567
Claude Lorrain 130(153)
Claudel, Camille 283(259)
Close, Chuck 542(63)
Closky, Claude 605
Cole, Thomas 200(89)
Conder, Charles 289
Constable, John 186
Copley, John Singleton 160(108)
Corinth, Lovis 268
Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille 197
Correggio, Antonio da 84 (106)
Cotman, John Sell 190(18)
Courbet, Gustave 208(360)
Cragg, Tony 568
Craig-martin Michael 545
Cranach, Lucas, the Elder 66 (130)
Cruikshank, George 196(374)
Cucchi, Enzo 570
Curier and Ives 204(398)
Currin, John 602
D' Angers David 192
Da Pontormo, Jacopo da Vinci, Leonardo 58 (133)
Daguerre, Louis 191(217)
Dali, Slavador 408
Dalou, Aime-Jules 234
Daumier, Honore 203
David, jacques Louis 168(188)
De Chirico, Giorgio 356
De Hooch, Pieter 142
De Juanes, Juan 90 (320)
Willem 410
De La Tour, Georges 116(273)
De Lempicka, Tamara 389(34)
De Oteiza, Jorge 423
De Ribera, Jose 115(455)
Deacon, Richard 570
Degas, Edgar 228
Del Piombo Sebastiano 76
Del Sarto, Andrea del Verrocchio Andrea 50 (149)
Delacroix, Eugene 199(141)
Delaunay, Robert 340
Della Francesca, Piero 40 (573)
Deller, Jeremy 613
Derain, Andre 318
De Cosimo, Piero 63 (515)
diCoria, Philip Lorca 578
Diebenkorn Richard 458
Dix, Otto 370(226)
Doig, Peter 596
Donatello 27 (78)
Dong Qichang 105
Dong Yuan 8 (212)
Dore, Gustave 220(272)
Drawbridge, John 492
Dreier, Katherine 309(89)
Dubuffert, Jean Duccio De 398
Buoninsegna 14 (335)
Duchamp, Marcel 349
Durer, Albrecht 64 (187)
Eakins, Thomas 251
EL Greco 102(504)
Emin, Tracey 606(1)
Entekhabi, Shahram 607
Ernst, Max 372
Fan Kuan 10 (220)
Fantin-latour, henri 230(70)
Feininger, Lyonel 300(123)
Fini, Leonor 423(142)
Fischl, Eric 565
Flaxman, John 171(222)
Fontana, Lucio 393
Fortuny y Carbo, Mariano 233
Fra Angelico 32 (127)
Fragonard, Jean Honore 159(314)
Frankenthaler Helen 473
French, Daniel Chester 256(200)
Freud, Lucian 456
Friedrich, Caspar David 182(415)
Fusco, Coco 597
Fuseli, Henry 163(203)
Gabo, Naum 366
Gaisnhorough Thomas 158(358)
Agaria, Antonio Lopez 516
Gauguin, Paul 254
Gentileschi Artemisia 117(77)
Gericault, Theodore 194(17)
Gerome, Jean Leon 211
Ghiberti, Lorenzo 24 (31)
Ghirlandaio Domenico 55 (342)
Giacometti, Alberto 397
Giambologna 100(453)
Gilbert and Geroge 553
Gillray, James 173
Giorgione 71
Tiotto de Bondone 16 (573)
Goldsworthy, Andy 589
Gonzalez, Julio 306(285)
Gonzalez-Torres Felix 591(25)
Gordon, Doughlas 616
Gorky, Arshile 403(169)
Gormley, Antony 572
Goya, Francisco 164(373)
Graves, Nancy 537
Greenough Borthers 202(143)
Gris, Juan 345(31)
Grosz, Geroge 376
Grunewald, mathis 72 (43)
Guercino 115(325)
Custon, Philip 440
Hals, Frans 114(346)
Hamilton, Richard 460
Hammersho Øi, Vihlem 282(345)
Hancock, Trenton Doyle 627
Haring, Keith 592
Hartley, Mkarsden 308(26)
Heckel, Erich 334(72)
Helion, Jean 406(44)
Heron, Patrick 450
Hepworth, Barbara 402(120)
Hese, Eva 522
Hilliard, nicholas 104(94)
Hiroshige, Ando Tokitaro 198(412)
Hirst, Damien 610
Hoch, hannah 358(166)
Hockney, David 524
Hodgkin, Howard 500
Hodgkins, Frances 296
Hodler, Ferdinand 260(59)
Hofmann, Hans 319
Hogarth, william 148(30)
Hokusai, Katsushika 178
Holbein, hans, the Younger 86 (487)
Holzer, Jenny 573
Homer, Winslow 231(99)
Hopper, Edward 330(165)
Hotere, Ralph 495
Huguet, Jaume 42 (173)
Hunt, William, Holman 215(386)
Huyghe, Pierre 601
Ingres, Jean-Auguste Dominique 188(95)
Jawlensky, Alexej von 283(21)
John, Gwen 304(184)
Johns, Jasper 488
Judd, Donald 482(24)
Kabakov, Ilya 506
Kahlo, Frida 416
Kandinsky, Wassily 284
Kang Hui-an 43 (537)
Kapoor, Anish 580
Kaprow, Allan 472
Katz, Alex 471
Kauffmann, Angelica 162(345)
Kawara, On 507(75)
Kelley, Mike 582
Kiefer Anselm 554(25)
Kippendberger 579
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig 317
Klee, Paul 312(168)
Klein, Yves 480
Klimt, Gustav 276(150)
Kline, Franz 426
Klinger, max 267(319)
Koons, Jeff 586
Kounellis, Jannis 517
Krasner, lee 418(137)
Kruger, Barbara 555
Kusama, yayoi 486
Lam, Wilfredo 399
Landseer, Edwin 201(60)
Larsson, Carl 261(330)
Lee, Lennie 591
Leger, fernand 320
Lely, peter 138(194)
Lewis, Wyndham 332(152)
Lewitt, Sol 484
Levster, Judith 136(325)
Lichtenstein, Roy 461
Liebermann, max 252
Limbourg Brothers 26 (288)
Lindsay, Norman 314(57)
Lipxhitz, Jacques 371
Lippi, Fra Filippo 39 (323)
Lissitzky, El 362(194)
Long, Richard 556
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio 21
Lornzetti, Pietro 19 (418)
Louis, morris 437(164)
Lucas, Sarah 601
Lye, len 398
Ma yuan 11 (37)
McCahon, Colin 48 (214)
Mc?Cubbin 262(82)
Macke, August 344
Macmonnies, Frederick 278(107)
Magritte, Rene 385
Maillol, Aristide 275
Maler, hans 76 (234)
\Malevich, Kasimir 310(54)
Man Ray 364
Manet, Edouard 222
Mantegna, Andrea 47 (513)
Mapplethorpe, Robert 560
Marc, Franz 316(214)
Marden Brice 530
Martini, Simone 20 (17)
Martorell, Bernardo 37 (1)
Masaccio 38 (345)
Masson, Andre 383
Matejko, Jan 233(60)
Matisse, Henri 293(140)
Mata, Roberto 433
Mellan, Claude 124
Memling, hans 44 (162)
Menzel, Adolph 206(188)
Michaux Henri 394
Michelangelo Buonarroti 68 (150)
Millais, John Everett 218
Millet, Jean-Francois 205(173)
Minton, John 378(90)
Mitchell, Joen 468
Modersohn-Becker, Paula 303(32)
Modigliani, Amedeo 335(264)
Moffatt, Tracey 599
Moholy-nagy, laszlo 380
Mondrian, Piet 300
Monet, Claude 242(148)
Moore, henry 390
Morandi, Giofgio 363
Moreau, Gustave 212(33)
MOrisot, Berthe 245(286)
Moriyama, Daido 531
Moroni, Giovanni Battista 96 (42)
Moronobu Hishikawa 138(304)
Motherwell, Robert 442
Munch, Edvard 279(321)
Muniz, vik 600
Munter, Gabriele 309(295)
Murakami, Takashi 604
Nadelman, Elie 332(27)
Nash, Paul 359(187)
Nauman, Bruce 546
Nevelson, Lousie 392(20)
Newman, Barnett 412
Noguchi, Isamu 407(40)
Noalan, Sidney 447
Nolde, Emil 287(335)
Ofili, Chris 622
Oiticica, helio 527
O Keeffe, Gorgia 354(133)
Oldenburg, Claes 487(127)
Ondak, Roman 614
Oppenhein, Meret 441
Orozco, Jose Clemente 333(283)
Ortega, Damian 616
Osorio, Pepon 588
Oterbridge, paul 381(123)
Pail, nam June 504(85)
Parker, Cornelia 589
Parmigianino 89 (474)
Penone, Giuseppe 563(36)
Perry, Grayson 599
Perugino, Pietro 56 (282)
Phillips, Waltr Joseph 338
Picabia, Francis 315(7)
Picasso, Pablo 322
Piranesi, Giovanni battista 153
Pisanol Andrea 18 (201)
Pissarro, Camille 219(329)
Polke, Sigmar 548
Pollock, Jackson 434
Poussin, Nicolas 118(448)
Prince, Richard 566
Raeburn Henry 174
Ramsay, Allan 152
Raphael 74 (523)
Rauch, Neo 597
Rauschenberg Robert 467
Redon, Odilon 239(276)
Rego, paula 515
Reinhardt, Ad 439
Rembradt van Rijn 133(113)
Renoir, Pierre Auguste 246
Reynolds, Joshua 154
Ribalta, Francisco 108(394)
Richter, Gerhard 502
Riley, Bridget 496
Rivera Diego 342(120)
Rivers, larry 462
Roberts, Tom 266(113)
Rockwell, Norman 379
Rodchenko Alexander 367
Rodin Aauguste 240
Rosa, Salvator 137(371)
Rosenquist, James 508
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 216(53)
Rosso, medardo 269(131)
Rothko, Mark 400
Roubiliac, Louis Francois 152(96)
Rousseau, henri 248
Rowlandson Thomas 175
Rubens, Peter Paul 112
Rublev, Andrei 23 (503)
Ruscha, Ed 526
Ryder, Albert Pinkham 253
Saenredam, Pieter jansz 120(132)
Siant-Taudens augustus 252(266)
Samarqs, Lucas 518
Sargent, John 264(229)
Saura, Antonio 493(131)
Saville, Jenny 624
Schadwo, Johann Gottfried 180(180)
Schiele, Egon 360
Schmidt, Rottluff karl 339(235)
Schnabel, julian 574
Schneemann Carolee 535
Schongauer, martin 54 (503)
Scully, Sean 557
Serra, richard 536
Sesshu 43 (227)
Seurat, Georges Poerre 270(358)
Shahbazi, Shirana 628
Sherman, Cindy 583
Short, Frank 267(6)
Sickert, Walter 273
Signorelli, Luca 51 (331)
Siqueiros, David Alfaro 382(20)
Siskind, Aaron 402
Sisley, Alfred 234(180)
Smith, David 414(170)
Smith, Kiki 584
Smithson, Robert 532
Sorolla, Joaquin 278
Sotatsu, Tawasraya 132(243)
Soutine, Chaim 375
Spencer, Stanley 368
Stanley, Dorothy Tennant 262(361)
Starr, Georgina 623
Steichen, Edward 314(205)
Stella, Frank 519
Streeton, Arthur 286
Stuart, Gilbert 173
Stubbs, George 156(410)
Sugimoto, Hiroshige 566(9)
Sultan, Donald 575
Tamayo, Runfino 395(1)
Tamayo, runfino 395(1)
Tanguy, Yves 396(32)
Tanning, Dorothea 428(36)
Tapies, Antoni 464(156)
Taylor-Wood, Sam 620
Terborch, Gerard 137(312)
Thiebaud, Wayne 449
Thorvaldsen Bertel 181
Tiepolo, Giovanni battista 147
Tintoretto 82
Titian 79 (431)
Tjapaltijari, Clifford Possum 510
Torres Garcia Joasquin 302
Toulouse-Lautrec, henri de 280
Turner, J.M.W. 183(368)
Turrell, James 551
Tuttle, Richard 550
Twombly, Cy 474
Uccello, Paulo 34 (476)
Uelsmann, Jerry 510
Uglow, Euan 501
Utamaro 170
Van der Weyden, Rogier 6 (120)
Van Dyck, Anthoy 126
Van Eyck, Jan 30 (227)
Van Gogh, vincent 257
Van Hoogstraten Samuel 140
Vam Leyden, Lucas 82 (59)
Van Rusisdael, Jacob 141(278)
Vasarely, Victor 419(1)
Vasari, Victor 419
Casari, Giorgio 91 (1)
Velazquez, Diego 91 (36)
Velazquez, Diego 127(16)
Vermeer, Jan 143
Veronese, Paolo 98 (193)
Vigeland, Gustav 291
Vignee-Le Brun Elisabeth 172(404)
Viola, Bill 576(51)
Violette, Banks 627
Von Guerard, Eugene 204(86)
Vuillard, Edouard 290(304)
Wallinger, Mark 594
Walters, Gotrdon 448(28)
Warhol, Andy 476
Watteau, Jean-Antoine 146(462)
Wearing, gillian 608
Webb, Boyd 564
Weight, Carel 420
West, Benjamin 161(65)
Whistler, James mcNeill 226(311)
Whiteley, Brett 537(72)
Whitereas, Rachel 609
Wilkie, David 191(279)
Williams, Fred 470(115)
Wilson, Fred 585
Withers, Walter 261(262)
Witkin, Isaac 523(29)
Wodiczko, Krzysztof 552
Wols 438
Wood, Grant 374(69)
Wyeth, Andrew 443
Zorn, Anders 272
Zurbaran, Francisco de 121